For example: Nidalee mid/top. Kha’Zix mid. Sejuani top or support. Amumu top or support. Zac top. Graves ADC. Xin Zhao top. And so on.

Actually, Riot often does the opposite: Whenever a jungler is going in other positions, they tend to nerf it. They did it with Nocturne for example.

  • itaicoolB
    1 年前

    No thanks every time a jg champion plays lane it’s a degenerate playstyle.

    Does anyone really miss seeing lane nocturne just permanently shoving waves and roaming?

    Sejuani top with tp ignite having insane base numbers and getting lvl 3 solokills?

    Amumu always breaks the support meta when he is viable there and have to get nerfed hard to force him out.

    Graves top same peak boring gameplay of perma shoving waves with no counterplay.

    Keep them in the jg.