I was under the impression that most of the community would still like some changes to the monetization of OW2. However, I saw a flats video where he basically was saying that it’s time to get over it, and I’ve seen a few content creators here and there kinda insinuate the same thing. At the very least, I don’t see content creators be as vocal about it as they used to. I don’t know if it’s because so much time has passed that people don’t care anymore, or if people genuinely don’t think the monetization is that bad. What is the general consensus?

Personally I don’t think the monetization is horrible, but I can be improved. I think $10 for a battle pass is reasonable. I could even justify it being $15 tbh if they reworked how souvenirs worked and allowed us to equip more than 4 sprays/emotes/voicelines on a character. I do think that the BP should give 1000 OW1 legacy credits and enough premium coins to buy the next BP. I think heroes being locked behind the BP is fine, but I do think they should advertise that you can get the heroes for free through challenges. I think the weekly challenges should total to 100 a week instead of 60, even if means making the challenges harder. Lastly, legendary skins should be 1000 coins, epic skins should be 500 coins, and charms should be 150 coins. Lastly, if something was previously only purchasable with premium credits, don’t sell it in the future for legacy credits. I’m not sure if it’s currently like this, but anything from OW1 should be purchasable with legacy credits even if it’s not in the current shop rotation.