He doesn’t need a buff. His cheesy counters just need to be nerfed aka bastion and Mei wall.
I think they should remove the penalty for leavers who leave before the match starts. Some people don’t like certain maps/game modes and I think you should be allowed to leave those games without penalty before the game starts. They should remove the 5 second timer before leaving in the beginning so people can leave asap and someone can join faster.
If there’s a way to differentiate between intentional leavers and those who experienced internet issues, I’d like that too.
I don’t mind the leaver penalty in most other cases bc it’s obnoxious the amount of times a person leaves after losing one round/point which causes the enemy team to just roll us bc we’re down a person—ruining the experience for people who are staying in the lobby trying. After hitting the leaver penalty threshold, they should bring back 75% less BP XP for the next 3-4 games. They should also gain no progression towards challenges and progression system for like 3-4 games.
They should also make the backfill experience better. Give someone free OW credits even if it’s just like 10-25 just for staying in a backfill game. Give them priority re-queue for any role afterwards, not just the one they initially queued for. Also, they should make it more apparent that someone is joining a backfill game. Nothing’s worse than someone joining your game but they spend 30 seconds in spawn without picking a character bc they think they’re loading up into a new game and have time to chill before the match.
This was fun. I skip over most tierlist, but I enjoyed this one. My bet on the winner would be Echo hands down. Sombra would be runner up.
I think you’re over estimating doom players lolol. I 100% agree with Lucio though. He’s my least favorite support to play alongside with. I refuse to even learn him because I despise playing alongside him so much lolol.
The thing with a lot of ball players is that a lot of one trick ball players are playing him right, it’s just that even at his best, he doesn’t get as much value as the other tanks. Doom players on the other hand…. no. I would say it’s like 70-30. DPS wise I would have to say genji. Soooo many genji players getting hard countered and still want to play into their counters.
Personally I don’t get why people point the finger at damage boost when the real “problem” is the CONSISTENT healing she provides on a character she’s pocketing. Yes damage boost hurts alot when you’re leaving the duo uncontested, but the moment you try shooting at a pharmercy, pocketed soilder, or pocketed genji isn’t that they’re deleting you, it’s that unless you’re hitting headshots and making every single shot, she’s just gonna heal them up bc Mercy can’t miss a heal like Ana or Bap. That’s why trying to kill something being pocketed by LW is miserable. He can’t aim, there’s short windows in between shots but ultimately, he’s not missing those shots. If you 1v1 a pharah, you can afford to hit a body shot instead a head shot, you can even miss a shot, but when she’s getting healed by a mercy, you can’t afford that anymore. I’m not calling for a nerf to mercy’s healing. I actually have 0 ideas on how to “fix” her, but I just think people misplace their frustrations on damage boost when in reality the problem is the steady and consistent heal beam
I feel like she has really good skins, she just doesn’t have enough. Water warrior, barista, and cyber detective are really good. Vigilante is okay, I like it for lore purposes. But, I’m just rotating the same 3 skins so it gets stale. I know she’s new, but JQ and Kiri already have mythic skins and get a new legendary every season. I can’t use Ram as an example though, because I think he’s in the same boat as Sojourn.