For example: Nidalee mid/top. Kha’Zix mid. Sejuani top or support. Amumu top or support. Zac top. Graves ADC. Xin Zhao top. And so on.

Actually, Riot often does the opposite: Whenever a jungler is going in other positions, they tend to nerf it. They did it with Nocturne for example.

  • Traditional-Bus-8239B
    1 year ago

    Riot is weird. They cling strictly to ‘‘it should be within champion fantasy’’.

    When Kled could build tank and was building tank in around half the games he was picked they nerfed it to no longer be possible since it was deemed no ‘‘within the champion fantasy’’. That was for a champ that already is quite tanky and used to build more tanky before the bruiser meta became ‘‘build 4 damage items and then gargoyles’’.