I remembered Dort having a rough shooting stretch in the 4th quarter, but it was even worse than I remembered. Dort missed 5 straight when the game was in SEVERE crunch time. Coach D really slept on pulling Dort in the 4th Quarter.

Also part of the reason that Dallas had that 30-0 run was that Coach D had very few efficient offensive players playing during significant parts of that run.

If we had scored even a few points during that run, it would have eliminated giving Dallas a chance to take the lead in the 4th quarter.

  • AcidRegulationB
    10 months ago

    Dude you are a certified hater. I don’t mind people posting criticism, but at this point you’re just looking for the bad in people and that’s not okay imo. I like this sub for the fandom and the homerism. Who cares if we overhype Poku, Dort or Giddey. Most of us are fans and that is what fans do. If I wanted to see players of this team get criticized I’d go to twitter or instagram comments.