Game Information

Game: Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Platforms: Playstation 5

Release Date: October 20th, 2023

Developers: Insomniac

Publisher: Sony

/r/Games Review Thread: Here

Game Discussion

• For those of you playing, does this game live up to or fall short of your expectations?

• How does it compare to the first game?

• What are your thoughts on the gameplay, open world, level design and characters?

• Any issues with performance or bugs encountered?

• Any specific tips or interesting information you’d like to share?

  • JamSaB
    11 months ago

    I don’t really agree with people saying the story is a downgrade. The last game’s was a fucking mess. Martin Li was a terrible main villain who is later replaced by Doc Oc who would’ve been a lot more compelling were he not rehashing the exact same motivations that Li had.

    It did feel weird that the main villain of 2 is Spider-Man’s most boring foe but I ended up liking Kraven a lot more than I thought I would. It led into a very natural way to fight every Spider-Man villain and give them all 15 minutes of fame.

    The problem is Venom, which is sad because this is the coolest looking and sounding Venom ever made. His design is phenomenal but he comes and goes, with like a third of the time Kraven got. You’re expecting it to be split half and half between Kraven and Venom like the last game was with Mr. Negative and Oc but it’s not, it’s like a 75/25 split, and what we do get of Venom is, weirdly, a remake of Web of Shadows. Not only have I seen this all before, I’ve PLAYED this all before.

    But I don’t want to just harp on story. All three Spider-Man games have pretty terrible writing that is obscured by great gameplay and this is no exception. All your abilities are super cool and traversing NYC feels incredible, and the variety of enemies is really fun.

    I’m just left wondering >!why the fuck is there a 15 minute long segment where you play as Venom? I was certain even before that that they were setting up for a Venom game but then he gets vaporized after the final boss and never comes back.!<