Great analysis by a well respected Ravens fan here. Coach describes exactly how I was feeling while watching this game and what I’ve been feeling overall this season. We continue to underperform consistently and it seems that our margin for error is way smaller than other good teams. We had no turnovers and scored 4 times on offense while turning them over multiple times and the margin of victory was just one score. We should expect more from our team than this. And it’s ok to call that out while appreciating that we won.

  • South-Lab-3991B
    11 months ago

    What I want to know is why are vaunted defense consistently struggles in the last two minutes of halves. How many times have we been beating Pittsburgh 10-6, 13-9, etc, only for them to walk right down the field and score a walkoff touchdown? This has been a major issue since the second Super Bowl, and it seems to transcend player personnel and coordinators. I asked Jeff Z, and he said it’s due to lack of game changing pass rushers, but still, something else has to be happening.