Great analysis by a well respected Ravens fan here. Coach describes exactly how I was feeling while watching this game and what I’ve been feeling overall this season. We continue to underperform consistently and it seems that our margin for error is way smaller than other good teams. We had no turnovers and scored 4 times on offense while turning them over multiple times and the margin of victory was just one score. We should expect more from our team than this. And it’s ok to call that out while appreciating that we won.

  • issue9mmB
    11 months ago

    our margin for error is way smaller than other good teams

    Here’s where this post rubs me the wrong way. What “good teams?”

    3 weeks ago, the “good teams” were the Niners, Chiefs, Bills, Lions, Dolphins, and Eagles. The Eagles have been pretty consistent, I suppose, but they were losing most of yesterday to the Commanders. Niners have dropped three straight and get to dwell on that during their bye. Chiefs just lost to the Broncos. No need to bury the Lions, and I’m figuring them to come out and murder the Raiders tonight – but we’ll see!

    Cards are underrated. -I- underrated them. I specifically said “There’s no reason we shouldn’t trounce them” even tho I had not seen the Cards play once this year. THEY LOOK GOOD! They’re an NFL team with dramatically improved coaching, a borderline elite run game, and a bunch of players who are out there trying hard to win.

    Did we look past them? Maybe. I don’t honestly think so. I think they were coached well, and are short on talent, but I think they deserve a better record than 1-6.

    TLDR, being exceptionally good is hard. I get that it’s hard to know where we sit, but thinking that we aren’t in the same tier as the Chiefs or Niners is a bridge too far. I wouldn’t trade with either one of them.

  • South-Lab-3991B
    11 months ago

    What I want to know is why are vaunted defense consistently struggles in the last two minutes of halves. How many times have we been beating Pittsburgh 10-6, 13-9, etc, only for them to walk right down the field and score a walkoff touchdown? This has been a major issue since the second Super Bowl, and it seems to transcend player personnel and coordinators. I asked Jeff Z, and he said it’s due to lack of game changing pass rushers, but still, something else has to be happening.

  • amstrumpetB
    11 months ago

    Game looks a lot closer than it was. Up 3 scores with 6 minutes to go, and they needed an onside kick to get within one score.

  • BossBooster1994B
    11 months ago

    I kind of don’t like the video to be honest, anyone who has watched football for as long as I or other fans kind of pick up how difficult and complex the sport can get. Honestly, you aren’t going to look your best week in and week out. That’s just how it is…travel to other subs. You will actually find fans complaining about their teams too and odds are its probably the same stuff we are complaining about.

    Fans, as much I dont like saying this. Frankly have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to professional football.

    • East-Bluejay6891OPB
      11 months ago

      That’s fine if you don’t like the video. I disagree regarding fans using no idea about professional football