These are my predictions for the GoTY nominees. Tell me what you think! I haven’t played BG3 or RE4 yet, but I know how much people enjoyed them and I think they deserve a nomination. Dead Space may also be abit far, but I enjoyed it way much than I thought I would, and it was between that and Diablo 4.

My winner would be ToTK… Everything was perfect about it, down the the little details. Couldn’t of asked for a better game tbh.

Let me know your opinions!

  • CollateralJusticeB
    11 months ago

    Gonna go with BG3 which felt the most refreshing out of the rest and best bang for buck.

    RE4 remake was fun but still a remake, the first Spiderman 2018 was fun but this second ones ok, more of the same.

    I played The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild last year was surprisingly great really good fun. I started playing Tears of the Kingdom last night 30-40 minutes in I got bored having recently finished BG3 two days ago it just didn’t hit the same.

    Dead Space again a remake done ok I hear. Not played Armored Core heard was ok again not my style of game. So really this year’s GOTY BG3 IMHO.