“The conclusions people are taking from G2s scrim winrate are so wrong. The sole point of scrims is to improve. Teams will generally run ban strategies based on the opponents they have coming up and not the team they are scrimming. If a team gets on stage and can ban Kalista/Draven/Ori every game which completely dismantles your team, then your scrim practice was ineffective.”

“This doesn’t mean they only played those champions in scrims, it could also mean that the frameworks that they created for the comps they did play were not realistically reproducible in a slower stage game environment.”

“What is the point of leaking scrim results? I think it’s pretty convenient that G2 started this new policy when they were considered to be the best scrim team in European history.”

Also NRG Thinkcard chimed in:

“It’s kinda cool that they are insanely good in scrims, but it just shows that they have vastly different results when the teams they play against prep specifically for them”

EDIT: Grabbz:

  • RitalinInItalyB
    11 months ago

    They posted it after they were knocked out, that’s fine imo. I think this overreaction is entirely from the communitys side