Anyone who expected carr to come to an entirely new team and instantly turn us into a top 5-10 team out the gate had extremely unrealistic expectations, but if and when this team finally meshes… lookout because on paper this team is kinda nuts. We’ve already seen the potential in a few games this year just need it to become consistent.

  • shyguyJB
    11 months ago

    It not so much that it has taken time to “mesh” (if that is what we are assuming/hoping is happening now)… it’s how absolutely braindead they’ve looked outside of the last game (against a poor defense, at that). From the coaching mentality, to the playcalling, to the personnel usage, to the Carring, to the Olaveing… they’ve looked less organized, disciplined, and coherent than a high school JV offense.

    I certainly hope this is the turning point and the start of much better things… but it’s hard to be truly optimistic given the first 7 games we all had the displeasure of watching.