As an American too often I hear people say “EVs will never be viable for people who don’t own their own garages”.

Well I just got back from Shanghai, a city where 99.999% of people live in high rise apartments or condos, a city where now EVs account for close to half of all new car sales.

Here is a short clip I took of an underground garage of a high rise office building in Shanghai:

Here is the parking lot of an average apartment complex in Shanghai:

If the U.S. won’t have that, it will be because people here aren’t willing to, not because we physically can’t. We are the world’s only indisputable technological, economical and military superpower. We put a man on the moon when China was still a country of starving farmers.

So yeah, we can build some fucking chargers if we want to.

That’s all and thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

  • Runaway_5B
    11 months ago

    It’s a catch 22. People are much more likely to buy EVs if they feel more comfortable with charging. EV costs are still too high (as many buy used) and interest rates are crazy high