i remember when we had to pray and wish for a win against any decent team because the team was just horrible. now, we can and often expect to beat any team in the league. as a fan, even with the losses, it’s exciting to go into any game with optimism that isn’t delusional. save your over analyzed stats and calling for coach’s heads when we are one game back in the division and haven’t been blown out. the close games we won before we’ve lost this year. still a lot of season left and it’s far from over.

as a fan for over 30 years, this is a good time to cheer for them bills…

  • idislikehateB
    11 months ago

    For the MILLIONTH time: get over the drought. It’s long gone. It does not have any relevance to the team today. People can barely remember who won the Super Bowl 10 years ago, but Bills fans should be constrained by the losses of teams that none of the current players played on?

    It’s a loser’s mentality. The current players and coaches should be held to a normal league standard and not some incredibly low bar set by failing regimes of the past.