Hi! I am currently a graphic design student in college and was assigned a project to create a brand that is dedicated to Audiophiles! I really loved looking through this subreddit and learning about this community I did not know existed.

For this project, can you guys give me some challenges that audiophiles face? I noticed that a lot of setups can be expensive! so stuff like that would be helpful. And what are some needs? What are some things that you guys would benefit from?

Also, you can just tell me about yourself! I would love to know. I have never heard of or met an “audiophile” before and would love to know more about the interest. Tell me anything!

  • yack59B
    10 months ago

    We are going extinct, so your business model will have the challenge of less and less customers all the time. Have you seen the famous Maxell Tape advertisement with the seated man (wearing shades I think) having his hair blown back by speakers? It is an iconic piece that you might like. Certain things that drive us: sound quality perhaps “better than you have ever heard”, or better than you have ever heard per amount of money spent on such gear. We are having somewhat of a fascination with the gear itself, how it is made, how it works, perhaps how we can make similar stuff DIY ourselves and the desire to own stuff and/or to collect stuff. An important aspect - one must enjoy just sitting in one place and listening. Might be thinking of past memories, music itself, the lyrics, ideas spurred by the lyrics, or just relaxing - but also being aware of details and how your own equipment is presenting the details - you may be listening for things that are very soft or very loud and powerful. What products do we NEED?? Absolutely nothing. I may be borrowing from the other comment when I say, just invent something that looks good and present it with flowery language that is mostly lies. We are old men. So as human beings we need what any old men need. I would guess 50 yrs old is near the low end in here, although there is some resurgence of interest in more youthful circles I don’t guess it is significant or lasting. We do love when a young person shows interest. We would love to have YOU do a field trip to the most expensive audio store you can find. Tell the people you want to hear some $10,000 speakers with an appropriate amplifier, at least $3000. Ask them to play a song you have heard many times before. Then comment back to us what your impressions were! Best of Luck!!!