• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2023


  • some prejudices i live by, i could be wrong sometimes but:

    I think a good rule is to eliminate any speaker by a brand that is famous for making electronics - amps, receivers, TVs, etc. So no Sony, no Pioneer, no JVC, no Onkyo, no Yamaha, no Panasonic, no Samsung, no LG, no Vizio, for speakers.

    Made in USA is usually a good sign. Made is Denmark (or if any parts inside are made in Denmark) that is a great sign. Made in the UK is good too.

    Then also, see if you can look up a review.

  • The first test do they have decent quality binding posts where the wire attaches? If they have spring clips, the evaluation is over, they are rejected. Next, they should have some weight to them - should feel really solid. Finally, look them up online (on your phone) see if you can find a Review, or at least the original price.

  • For all three sources, CD, Vinyl, Digital streaming, you first have to make sure the source material has a DECENT level of quality. For example, music over wifi rather than bluetooth is a pretty good level that i can be happy with most of the time. CD player at least perhaps in the $300 range? something decent but not great will have acceptable sound. For Vinyl, i have zero personal experience - i have a feeling you need to spend at least $500 to get decent turntable, and maybe $200 for cartridge, once again i have no idea, but vinyl is likely the most expensive.

    Next, once your source is DECENT, (which you haven’t told us maybe you are already up to this point) i would make the BIG upgrade in the Speakers first. Amp second. Definitely NOT cables. IF you have all separate components then preamp probably equally important as the amp, but i choose to stick with INTEGRATED amp, so once again, nothing to say here.

  • I am thinking the Tweeter is model number 075 from the 70’s.

    I actually OWNED this tweeter as part of a 2-Way design.

    My housemate, when i was failing out of college, owed me money and took off, kind of leaving his JBL’s as my consolation prize, lol. They were a BIG part of what got me into this hobby. Roommate had done work for a doctor and got the JBL’s as part of that deal. They were really top of the line, like normal folks could not even afford them.

    The boxes were beat up but the drivers were the real deal. They could bore a hole through your brain before you heard any distortion, haha!!

  • yack59BtoAudiophile@hi-fi.communityHelp From Audiophiles
    10 months ago

    If you really must focus on a PRODUCT - How about some sort of wall hanging that absorbs stray sound waves? This has all been done before, but if you had something with a certain STYLE that wives found to be attractive, you might be on to something. Again, your market would be shrinking out from under you regardless.

  • yack59BtoAudiophile@hi-fi.communityHelp From Audiophiles
    10 months ago

    We are going extinct, so your business model will have the challenge of less and less customers all the time. Have you seen the famous Maxell Tape advertisement with the seated man (wearing shades I think) having his hair blown back by speakers? It is an iconic piece that you might like. Certain things that drive us: sound quality perhaps “better than you have ever heard”, or better than you have ever heard per amount of money spent on such gear. We are having somewhat of a fascination with the gear itself, how it is made, how it works, perhaps how we can make similar stuff DIY ourselves and the desire to own stuff and/or to collect stuff. An important aspect - one must enjoy just sitting in one place and listening. Might be thinking of past memories, music itself, the lyrics, ideas spurred by the lyrics, or just relaxing - but also being aware of details and how your own equipment is presenting the details - you may be listening for things that are very soft or very loud and powerful. What products do we NEED?? Absolutely nothing. I may be borrowing from the other comment when I say, just invent something that looks good and present it with flowery language that is mostly lies. We are old men. So as human beings we need what any old men need. I would guess 50 yrs old is near the low end in here, although there is some resurgence of interest in more youthful circles I don’t guess it is significant or lasting. We do love when a young person shows interest. We would love to have YOU do a field trip to the most expensive audio store you can find. Tell the people you want to hear some $10,000 speakers with an appropriate amplifier, at least $3000. Ask them to play a song you have heard many times before. Then comment back to us what your impressions were! Best of Luck!!!

  • From what i have read external DAC quality has to do with everything ELSE in the box besides the DAC chip. The power supply maybe being one of the more important parts.

    In other words, if everything else in the box is wonderful, it might not even matter which DAC chip you are using at all. But on the flip side of that coin, if it is not implemented very well, a great DAC chip is not going to save you.

    I was interested to watch GABSTER on Youtube Build His Own DAC from parts.

    He has compared his own work to the Denafrips Terminator II DAC ($5000 USD)

    I don’t think he ever says “My own DAC is better than the Terminator” but he kind of implies that his own DAC compares very favorably and it costs A LOT less. He keeps the Terminator around as a reference, but doesn’t use it much anymore.

    I have been meaning to go back and get the parts list and check prices, but haven’t got a chance yet. Gabster does share everything for those that want to do the same project.

  • Is it a good idea to RIP all my CD’s and store them on a Hard Drive?

    Any loss in quality?

    Which hardware and software do you use for Ripping them?

    Which hardware and software do you use for Playing them back again?

    Can i display album art, song titles, etc during playback?

    Ideally, i would love to do this with no internet, but not sure if that is as good of an experience.

    I have heard a little bit about the NUC computers but interested to know more.

  • I think there are two reasons to adjust toe in.

    First, if they are too bright or fatiguing when pointed directly at you, change it so they are not.

    Second, to get the best possible stereo image. Listening with eyes closed try to pick out locations of the various sounds. See if adjustment might make those locations wider, farther from the actual speaker locations.

    “Chocolate Chip Trip” by Tool is fun to listen to, if only for scientific reasons. Might make my item no. 2 above make more sense?