Hi! I am currently a graphic design student in college and was assigned a project to create a brand that is dedicated to Audiophiles! I really loved looking through this subreddit and learning about this community I did not know existed.

For this project, can you guys give me some challenges that audiophiles face? I noticed that a lot of setups can be expensive! so stuff like that would be helpful. And what are some needs? What are some things that you guys would benefit from?

Also, you can just tell me about yourself! I would love to know. I have never heard of or met an “audiophile” before and would love to know more about the interest. Tell me anything!

  • yack59B
    10 months ago

    If you really must focus on a PRODUCT - How about some sort of wall hanging that absorbs stray sound waves? This has all been done before, but if you had something with a certain STYLE that wives found to be attractive, you might be on to something. Again, your market would be shrinking out from under you regardless.