I think it’s funny how for like, 4 years Gus has been a massively reliable angry runner who never fails to get a couple yards after contact. He runs like a grown ass man y’know? I feel like even though he’s been so good for so long he’s never talked about as a star. Where do you place him? Top 10?

Edit to add something: It’s just so strange that Gus obviously isn’t “elite” but he also never fails to deliver, right?

  • bacchys1066B
    11 months ago

    It’s hard to say. With the exception of the tail end of 2018, when he replaced Alex Collins as the main back as the Ravens changed to the Greg Roman offense, he’s never been the main back. They acquired Ingram the next year, and drafted Dobbins the year after that. The Ravens have also moved away from having a feature back, preferring a committee approach (as have many other teams).

    The Ravens liked him enough to extend him, which says quite a bit in this era.

    He’s not a Chubb or Barkley, but he’s a very capable RB who consistently provides positive yardage. I can’t think of a time he’s gone backward after contact: he falls forward. In some ways he reminds me of Eric Rhett, because, like Rhett, he extremely consistent at getting positive yards whenever he touches the ball.