Here are some of my favorite out of touch quotes from THT in this article that worry me on his potential growth.

“I know I take shots sometimes that are like, different.” (Understatement of the century)

“I’ve always been an unselfish player, I’m never out there just trying to score for myself” (Really? Because there’s lots of evidence of you making a couple of shots and then thinking you’re prime Kobe)

“Every shot I shoot, is something I practice.” (Well…. that’s concerning)

“I don’t want to take any shot out of my game.” (Even the contested, midrange, turnaround fadeaway 180?)

A career 28% 3 point shooter on his 3 point shooting “I want to get my volume up”

“I don’t want to step on anybody’s toes shooting the ball too much.” (After going 6/20 2 games ago and tying for the most shots attempted)

  • helix400B
    11 months ago

    Ugh, now I feel compelled to defend THT.

    His ugly shot selection is down.

    His assists are way up. They’re double what they were two years ago in similar minutes per game.

    His 3 point percentage is trending up.

    His general playmaking is up, most of his drives now involve him always having a backup option in case he gets stuck.

    Do I want him as a starting point guard? No. He’s just not the guy. But could he be a perfectly reasonable backup point guard? Yes…yes he could.