As a toplaner, Ksante has made me welcome Darius lanes and Teemo lanes and Vayne top. I used to hate laning vs these champions, but now I love it.

There is no known universe where a champion that is “hard to play” can have 51% winrate, with a 13.3% pick rate and a near 30% ban rate and not be considered way overtuned. Data is pulled from LoLAlytics, and they are similiar in U.GG. So its not “faulty data”. Its consistent.

The only thing hes weak against according to data, is either cheese top with Vayne, Singed and Kayle. Fiora is decent, but her banrate is sky high.

The entire laning phase is him spamming Q off cooldown and proccing grasp. Fine, Sion does that, Kench does that, its not too bad.

Eventually he’ll make a mistake and hes killable right?

He ragdolls you accross the screen and kills you while seemingly taking no damage.

At this point its also kinda fine, because Renekton is strong, he can run you over sometimes, but he has kinda high cooldowns and you can play around is fury.

And then the mythic comes in, ALL HAIL ICEBORN GAUNTLET… Best item ever added to the game…

Not only does he smash your face in, but he can apply a slow on every spell and fight you forever. If you are melee, you’ll never escape.

Ive come across K’Sante mains and the game becomes unplayable, and I’ve come across literally first time ranked K’Sante players, and even though they are sorta bad, the champion is carrying them.

There is no way that people who design this stuff, sit for hours and hours and tries to play against it. There is just no way.

I dont remember if it was Season 9 or 10 when Riven started to get abused by seemingly first timers, because conqueror was broken, and she got slamdunked, but for some reason this is okay.

I am at a point where I am willing to spend a lot money to watch a stream, of the designer play vs their own champion in low masters on a melee champion. I want to hear their thought process when playing against it.

So to come back to the question, when is the opponents experience taken into consideration when it comes to balance?

  • BoudynasrB
    11 months ago

    > “So to come back to the question, when is the opponents experience taken into consideration when it comes to balance?”

    balance team doesn’t balance off feelings, if the frustration is actually tangible and he has an absurdly high banrate then he will get nerfed [eg. Zed]

    >“I dont remember if it was Season 9 or 10 when Riven started to get abused by seemingly first timers, because conqueror was broken, and she got slamdunked, but for some reason this is okay.”

    k’sante has been dogshit for like 8 months, 45% WR. only challengers broke 50% WR with him, you literally had to be pro player to actually smash people with him, he got exactly one day of being legitimately OP after rework -> buffs and he got hotfix nerfed

    there are already big early game nerfs to K’Sante in PBE, that coupled with Hwei coming out soon should stop the ksante rant threads meta