• 10 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023


  • Except for the one month of buffs after Reworks, KSante spent 9 month as the lowest WR champ in the game and had negative WR in ALL Elos [Except Challenger, His WR was Neutral barely broke 50%].

    Except for the last month where the balance team admitted they were still learning which levers to pull for KSante, KSante was never a soloQ problem, he had a low ban rate, terrible winrate.

    He got nerfed and reworked for Pro play not SoloQ, The KSante in your games isn’t the terrifying KSante you make him out to be but in a co-ordinated pro play envrionment, yes he’s a terror

  • good to see you still posting on reddit

    Tried KSante and Azir. They feel awful specially KSante, I think Riot wants to kill his playrate then buff him after?

    These nerfs made it seem like he was OP in pro play and had to be gutted lol

    Regarding Azir, it’s said that they gave him very big compensation nerfs, they rather Azir be in the gutter than maybe let him 48% WR for a single patch lol (again no pro play, don’t understand why he had to be nerfed hard)

  • Reddit challenge: try not to tell everyone Renata is the best recent champ [difficulty: impossible]

    spoiler alert: Renata literally was bottom 5 pickrate champions in the game for 9 straight months until she saw some play in worlds, she also had 50% WR. People on subreddit like to gaslight themselves and say she is so cool but when it comes to it, no one fucking plays her

    An actual successful new Jungler champ is Viego, has sub 50% WR and is played more than Briar whose playerbase will most likely abandon her if she is ever sub 50% WR.

    We are also assuming she will be bad at pro play.