For example, i play Zeus a lot, every 1 lvl of Heavenlu jump reduces cooldown by 4 seconds, Zeus has 4 seconds cooldown reduction lvl10 talent, right now #1 spectated game has Zeus who took that talent at lvl10 or 11 and he has lvl1 Heavenly jump, why would he do that?

  • fph03n1xB
    1 年前

    You should watch people who spam zeus. If you watch some streamers, you will realize that if they are not picking a comfort hero, but rather picking a hero that they’ve missed playing, they will follow an old build till they realize how to efficiently build the hero. Their thinking on playing zoos would be, do i need a quicker escape? or do i need more dps? So, they’ll figure it out as they go forward.

    And this is also common at TIs. If you want to learn how to play LD, and you follow the Ace build in TI finals, you’ll just lose. Both qojqva, and excalibur were seriously questioning his build (they’re LD spammers), and yet Ace was the reason GG made it to finals. So, there are players who are experts on their own heroes, and players who closes the gap of experience through their skills of outplaying.

    Btw, I forgot which pro player said it in an interview, but he did say that if a hero’s OP, they go check how a spammer of that hero plays that hero. For example, for brood, he went and watched an ancient player play, and was amazed at how he had set up his nets across the map and had a gpm of 1k at less than 20mins (or something like that). Of course, it wouldn’t have worked at immortal bracket because he’d get ganked or rotated on, or farm taken, but the point is that they were learning the net placements from there.