Every year, he dominates domestically.

Every year, he shows that he is laning personified.

Every year, he has shows that nobody, and I mean nobody can out-cs him

Every year, he shows that he has some of the greatest mechanics in the world

Teamfighting. S tier.

Vision control and flanking. S tier.

Beating up Faker. His hobby. S tier.

His aura. S tier.

It’s like Chovy’s entire existence is to beat up T1 and that’s it.

I am disillusioned after 5 years at this point.

  • AlfredBarnesB
    11 months ago

    Chovy is a great player, but not a leader and doesn’t control the game the way other international caliber mids do. ’

    He will out CS everyone, out dps most people, win most lanes and play picture perfect, but he doesn’t have the unique play making.

    I’ve been calling him the Korean Froggen for years. He will absolutely stomp everyone who does the above things, but put him against someone as good as him, or more creative and he just doesn’t match it.

    He could absolutely win a world championship, but teams are building around him wrong. The game itself also doesn’t fit a mid who just farms and dps, Riot has nerfed the role repeatedly throughout the years due to its ability to affect the map.

    Now that i think about it all this could be summarized with, Chovy will win you his lane but you need the rest of the team has to win the game.

    • AtreusIsBackB
      11 months ago

      Hard to win when you have your top laner show up to river, flash over the wall at random, then run back to his turret like nothing happened and recalls.