Every year, he dominates domestically.

Every year, he shows that he is laning personified.

Every year, he has shows that nobody, and I mean nobody can out-cs him

Every year, he shows that he has some of the greatest mechanics in the world

Teamfighting. S tier.

Vision control and flanking. S tier.

Beating up Faker. His hobby. S tier.

His aura. S tier.

It’s like Chovy’s entire existence is to beat up T1 and that’s it.

I am disillusioned after 5 years at this point.

  • Marcus777555666B
    11 months ago

    Nah,Chovy was fine actually in their series vs BLG.Gen G as a whole just underperformed.Peanut and Delight failed to secure vision in game 1,2 and Xun and ON ran circles in early game and camped bot.

    Despite everything collapsing Chovy managed to either go even in lane or get a lead every time.

    I think Gen G had a real chance to win this series,but their early game was bad,jg/sup synergy was also worse than their opponents,and their vision was also lacking.

    I do hope Gen g can rebuild next year:keep Chovy,Peyz,Delight. Peanut needs to learn again how to jg on carries and get leads early game,rather than rely on his current style of playing tanky jg that lose early game.Doran also need to step up , although he had a great year,but he threw game 5 when he didn’t flash or stopwatch.