Before we start im level 150 with 1000 hour’s. Basically about a month ago i found a stack after forever and I was playing great with them postive every match by 3 kills and was giving callouts. But this last 2 weeks ive just underperformed and go negative every match. It shows as well because after i fail a clutch by just all around choking my aim " how did you lose that" “quit the game” “did you not hear him” I just get a wave of sadness, it makes me feel like im washed at this game and I probably am. Im just losing passion and kinda just want to give up and play the games im good at. It hurts cause if I do just quit thats 1000 hours of life gone for me.

  • NotoriousSexOffenderB
    11 months ago

    I’d be willing to bet that you might be playing worse now entirely because of your previous wins. You were going positive and winning a lot, which means you’re now most likely going against better players making it harder to win as many gun fights.

    Idk your rank though, but that’s just my thoughts on it