• @BladikoB
    18 months ago

    The problem isn’t Apple being greedy, they are a profit making company……that’s what they are supposed to do. the REAL problem is we the consumers rewarding their greed by continuously buying the products regardless of how they shaft us. That’s the real problem. Just because you can afford a premium device doesn’t mean you are not being shafted….it just means you can afford to be shafted!

    If we all stopped buying Apple products for 3yrs…… oh they will make changes….they are a business after all.

    • @BMWbillB
      18 months ago

      Basically, what you are saying is that the highly knowledgeable accounting and marketing teams at Apple know exactly what they can charge for their computers and upgrades, and after 30 years they are really really good at knowing what consumers will pay. They must know better than anyone here on Reddit as none of us currently manage the largest market cap company in the world…

    • @rudibowieB
      18 months ago

      The problem isn’t Apple being greedy, they are a profit making company……that’s what they are supposed to do.

      Sorry, I have to object to that defence. It’s absurd nonsense in the highest degree. Many companies are commercial. Banks are commercial entities, but what separates them from those lenders that charge 1000% (e.g. loan sharks) is a level of unscrupulousness that is beyond the pale. Just as companies extorting their customers is beyond the pale. Being a commercial company does not justify rampant rapaciousness.

    • @i5-2520MB
      18 months ago

      This is why closed ecosystems can backfire greatly. There is no other MacOS device you can buy with reasonable built in storage.