• @DiamondEeveeB
    28 months ago

    “8gb is comparable to 16gb on Windows”

    yeah until the swap memory kills the SSD

  • @icouldusemorecoffeeB
    18 months ago

    They don’t have a memory problem, but we are certainly paying for it. 8GB is fine for the vast majority of users, the problem is for those that need (very few) and those that want (some) to upgrade their ram, it’s stupidly expensive to do it. But again, Apple also knows their user base very well, and most of them can likely foot the bill without abandoning Apple.

  • @jammsessionB
    18 months ago

    Even relatively casual users who load up on browser tabs and inefficient Electron apps (household names like Slack, Teams, Discord, etc.) can find performance compromised by running out of RAM.

    Gosh, if the Reddit community would have the same outrage towards that, as to the base model being 8GB, we would be in a better world. The increasing demands in productivity apps and in games due to shitty code is just ridiculous.

    And it really sucks for consumers, because if this negative trend won’t stop, your new 16GB RAM MacBook will be EoL in a few years. Unlike your old 2013 that you could use for almost a decade.

  • @ChillBro710B
    18 months ago

    Do you think the accountants/finance peeps ever did analysis/market research on if they sold MacBooks at competitive pricing compared to windows laptops? I bet they’d drastically increase their Mac market share if just once they sold their MacBook lineup at fair rates. Been on my mind since 2008

  • @hijifaB
    18 months ago

    Don’t they say OS makes a huge difference here? I mean idk but if chrome uses 4 gb of ram on my windows but only 2 gb for the same tasks on mac, then raw amount of ram is a moot point. Apps can be optimised different on different OS.

    Would love to see some real world tests instead of some arbitrary numbers especially with pro workflows involving PS, Painter, 3D software etc

  • @technoking_cyberboyB
    18 months ago

    AAPL saving the world and helping the environment with 128gb storage iphone pro and 8gb ram macbook pro

  • @HappydenialB
    18 months ago

    $600 AUD to add 1 TB of at storage!! The same price it has been for 10 years!! I can get 1TB for about $70 AUD in nvme! And yes it’s not as good but $600 Dollarydoos!!!

    I have a mind to complain to the Prime Minister!!

  • @-15k-B
    18 months ago

    Apple: if you’re paying for it, it’s not a problem.

  • @danted002B
    18 months ago

    16GB of RAM? My memory indicator is forever yellow, apparently the memory “is stressed” and I have 16gb. Your need 32gb if you actually run professional apps on it.

  • @rindthirtyB
    18 months ago

    When I searched YouTube for macOS memory pressure, I found some suspicious videos trying to justify that 8GB is enough - what was more odd were all the soulless comments thanking the YouTuber for supposedly explaining that 8GB is still fine today.

  • @smarthome_fanB
    18 months ago

    Sadly I’m planning to switch back to PC for my next purchase because while I adore MacOS, I find the expense, limitations and planned obsolescence of the hardware to be really detestable. I have a MacBook Pro now which would be fully capable of running Sonoma, but Apple blocks it from doing so. It doesn’t even get security updates anymore, so now I guess I should just… throw it away? It’s insane.

    The shenanigans about overpriced RAM and their ridiculous claim that Macs need less RAM than PCs, what a ridiculous pile of BS.

  • @FarVehicle5333B
    18 months ago

    Most people are buying Macs because of the brand. Just because is Apple they will settle with lower specifications for that enormous price tag. Apple has a reputation for well made and performant devices, made years ago, and they are still reaping the benefits. I believe there is a large percentage of Mac fans who aren’t even checking the competition. They simply buy a Mac, because that’s what they grown to like and love. It’s a flawed and greedy company that successfully grew a fan base.

  • @johnnukeB
    18 months ago

    That’s what I love about capitalism…if you think a product costs too much, you can go buy something else from the competition. So instead of getting upset about the cost of RAM at Apple, just go buy a PC brand and be happy.

    • @Nanooc523B
      18 months ago

      Yeah this, most people are going to shocked, annoyed, outraged and betrayed then walk in and but it anyways. Tell Apple this is not ok by not buying it for christ sake.

  • @wheresHQB
    18 months ago

    Fyi Apple is a business. Businesses want higher profits. Is that an issue? No, it’s not.

    Do most consumers have an issue with 8gb of ram? No they do not. If they did, apple would have received many returns. (14 days is more than enough to know if the new computer can handle your needs)

    I’m not defending Apple. I’m just saying that if a business can offer a greater experience than their competitor(s) while utilizing the bare minimum, then great.

    On a side note, I think Apple messed up by putting the M1 in the iPad. All that power with an OS that doesn’t make use of it. But eh, what do I know? 🤣