I know what everyone is thinking… who cares right? I know Frank was not the coach we wanted him to be. I personally was not the biggest fan of his play calling and coaching style, as most of us weren’t. But I just honestly feel bad for the man struggling over there in Carolina. I was pulling for the panthers tonight just to hopefully give Frank a little boost of energy. I was sure tired of watching the Colts play with him in command and I am the biggest Steichen supporter, but I would love to see Frank succeed as a coach over in Carolina. Anyone else feel kinda bad for him? Or feel the same way about seeing him be a solid coach?

  • sunburn95B
    11 months ago

    He shouldve taken a year off to evaluate himself… maybe he thought he wouldnt get another chance if he waited

    The last bryce young QB school vid (i posted it in here) paints a pretty poor picture of Reich. While Carolina currently doesnt have a lot of pieces, they look poorly coached and running absolutely terrible route schemes