Not to say that he isn’t a great playmaker, but just because he averages 10 assists and makes some unnecessarily fancy passes from time to time does not at all justify him as having one of the highest offensive peaks ever.

10apg is good but nothing crazy especially when he’s the primary playmaker of the team to begin with. There are plenty of PGs in the league who can do that.

He also averaged 4 turnovers per game last season which is pretty sloppy but everyone seems to ignore this.

  • Ok_Respond7928B
    11 months ago

    Also a lot of Jokic turnovers come from him trying to make a tight pass to a guy who is in the paint. If it works amazingly that’s an easy layup the best shot in the game. If not that’s a turnover. But I much rather have a guy turn the ball over looking for layups than kicking it out to three and getting picked off that way.

    It is why someone like CP3 has been such a assist to turnover king because he doesn’t always look for those high leverage passes.