• @turbo_dudeB
    18 months ago

    The odd thing is how easy it was to add extra memory to my 27” iMac.

    Unscrew panel, stick memory in slots.

    No weird ifixit tools or spudgers.

    So they’re happy to allow you to do this. Or were.

    • @gtg465x2B
      18 months ago

      Yep, pretty sure my 2019 27” is going to last forever. Core i9 and SSD are super fast still after 4 years, and lack of memory is what usually slows a computer down long term, more than CPU. I bought my iMac with 8 GB and upgraded immediately to 40 GB for like $100 or something. In a few more years, maybe I’ll upgrade to 64 GB, and then I’ll be good for another long while. Meanwhile, people buying base MacBook Pros will still be slumming it with 8 GB lmao.