Every year, he dominates domestically.

Every year, he shows that he is laning personified.

Every year, he has shows that nobody, and I mean nobody can out-cs him

Every year, he shows that he has some of the greatest mechanics in the world

Teamfighting. S tier.

Vision control and flanking. S tier.

Beating up Faker. His hobby. S tier.

His aura. S tier.

It’s like Chovy’s entire existence is to beat up T1 and that’s it.

I am disillusioned after 5 years at this point.

  • Deft_AbyssB
    11 months ago

    I love Chovy, but even on Griffin it was starting to show he couldnt thrive under the pressure. Its not really his fault, its either you live for it or you collapse from it. Ill throw Peanut in here as well man gets gapped in higher stake situations. Idk maybe its the Gen.G curse to fail deep at worlds. You really hate to see it, ive liked Gen.G for a while and it really hurts as a fan to see them lose on the big stage at Worlds. Hopefully the changes if they do make any will keep them competitive