I still find it hilarious they said thank you to Chovy only for them to resign him again
I still find it hilarious they said thank you to Chovy only for them to resign him again
I hope LNG doesnt keep Tarzan hostage, but i think WeiWei did get some good ganks off despite Weibo getting clapped by T1, so could be an upgrade? I do prefer Tarzan over Weiwei, but similar to the rest of the Griffin orignal roster still choke in big moments. Guess we will see id like him to go to NIP to team with Rookie thatll be a fun team to watch out for. Itll be weird how LNG go about this if Tarzan is playing bad they sub in WeiWei or vise versa
I mean you hate to see it, that he gets a lot of hate despite performing well at worlds. He did kind of underperform on TES while he was there, but it was cool seeing him be a force on JDG. Honestly i dont think he deserves the amount of criticisim he is receiving since he is making most of what he is given in his lane. So hope he does well again on TES this time
Maybe im biased, but i started playing LoL around 2017, when Xayah and Rakan were relatively new. So was a Xayah main and i think that batch of champs were honestly so great. Although that following year was when peak Kai’sa came out and that was pretty nutty as well
I think Serylda’s was originally supposed to be an assassin item anyway? I mean i think it was meant to be played for champions like Zed that have no form of armor pen, but then guys like Zeus were like hmmmm this item seems pretty good why dont i build them as well. Then top laners decided to use it and also champions like Ezreal can use it. So i guess they wanted to be sure only assassins can build it now.
Was that literally not the reason? and my bad the spelling was Zzus. KT Support player. And why would i say nothing when i literally watched it live about the casters talking about how to prounce this Zzus name and T1 Zeus.
I think its because there was another Zeus on KT before pronounced Zoous and to differentiate they called the T1 Zeyus and i think thats how he pronounces it so the caster just stuck with it
The fact Beryl didnt even get 1 mill is crazy
I mean if Faker didnt want to play anymore because of risk of injury then he wouldve retired. I mean he said he is fine now, so hopefully he has no more major injuries again. If he does get injured they just call up Poby again. Which i know scares a lot of fans, but i dont think Poby is that bad of a player, but T1 was just in kind of a slump and he was put in a bad position
There are a lot of guides out there. Sure they teach you the basics and other stuff to learn, but experience is the best teacher. Just playing games should help you get some experience and to understand how the game is played. Also try and pick a lane you would like to play and at least three champions there and just play those three champions for the mean time and learn the ins and outs of them
I wont mind Kiin on Gen.G, but HLE looking like Gen.G orange basically if they end up signing Doran. Except they have Viper and Zeka instead of Peyz and Chovy. Idk about Canyon with Chovy, but he did do well with Showmaker who can dominate the lane, so interesting to see what ends up happening.
I wont mind Kiin on Gen.G, but HLE looking like Gen.G orange basically if they end up signing Doran. Except they have Viper and Zeka instead of Peyz and Chovy. Idk about Canyon with Chovy, but he did do well with Showmaker who can dominate the lane, so interesting to see what ends up happening.
Ah yes Gen.G orange. Cant wait for them to choke semi finals as well
Lets be real. JDG was the only true threat to T1 from the LPL and the fact they were able to take one game that couldve been a series, but T1 were playing like madmen so they absolutely stood no chance especially when Oner was out smiting Kanavi that series. Also idk the drafting for JDG was weird as well.
Probably a few of them that cant find a spot in the LCK. A lot of the top teams in the LPL probably dont have much cap space left especially JDG after going all in for that super roster. I can probably see Ruler coming back to Korea in that case unless JDG wants to keep him. Lets see its going to be a crazy off season regardless with new look teams for sure
Honestly the new monsters and buffs are cool and all. But the map changes are more appealing for me. More openings in the walls to come at different angles seems pretty neat. With the opening for mid seems easier to dive, so mid laners need to be more careful
I think Rakan can slot into most comps since he can do almost everything. Nautilus has reliable cc. In terms if enchanters, i guess probably Soraka since most adc or supports wont build anti heal anyway especially in lower elos
Its not all of T1 no? I mean Zeus has gapped every top laner. Oner has been playing so much better than the regular season. Faker doing Faker things. Gumayusi outplayed Ruler and Keria is just styling with these off meta supports. I mean coming into this worlds people were all about JDG and Gen.G, but who is left? T1. Despite the rocky start against TL they have been playing a lot better and dismantling every LPL team left in this tournament
I mean Apehlios is being played up to now after he has been gutted a few times. So idk who was smoking when they designed Hwei, but i guess he’ll be the Aphelios in the mid lane. No matter how many nerfs he gets he will probably fine some way to make it back just because of his versatility