Fultz, Suggs, Cole, Black are all fighting for that guard positioning. I think itll be between Fultz and Cole for who will be traded. Last year Cole was very adamant about being a starter and does have better spacing than Fultz

Fultz, Wagner and Paolo all clog the paint. Paolo plays much better when Fultz is not on the court. They have no spacing with all 3 inside, especially since Franz has been. Paolo and Wagner seem to have better chemistry than Fultz/Paolo or Fultz/Wagner. Paolo cant exist with Fultz to win. In a few of the last possessions they were running into each other and messing up the plays.

I love Fultz and would love him on the Heat but he doesn’t fit with the Magic imo.

The Magic desperately need 3 point shooting. They have shooters on the bench that cant seem to get playing time Harris/Houston/Howard. You can’t win if 4 of your staters cant shoot 3 consistently (Fultz, Suggs, Paolo and Franz) Wendell is your best shooter and he’s the 5.

They’re a good young team.

  • 2020IsANightmareB
    10 months ago

    I know it’s early in the season and this post makes more sense now than it would when they are 25-37, but…

    It’s the Magic. They should take all the talent they can get. Figure out a rotation. This isn’t a serious season in which they will actually be a threat to even win a playoff game.

    Maybe build off last season and get to 37-38 wins overall.

    Then start to make moves to fill needs like real teams do.