What kind of moment fills you with excitement and makes you think “as long as I can experience this, I will keep playing this game”.
For me there is no greater feeling than a tight match, the constant pressure of not knowing who will actually win, or when a match that seemed lost gets completely flipped over and turned into a victory. I love a match that leaves me sweating.
I’m still relatively new considering I only seriously started playing after life weaver (by seriously I mean engaging in comp learning more characters etc.) but considering that fact, though it’s not as common anymore since I’ve found almost all the characters I’m comfortable with, I LOVED trying new heroes and doing well as them. Always made sure to let my teammates know before I did so too and that extra “You did well!” At the end of the match just topped it off. As for now I’d still say when I do well, regardless of when we lose, it’s exhilarating to just unexpectedly lock in and get insane kills.