What kind of moment fills you with excitement and makes you think “as long as I can experience this, I will keep playing this game”.
For me there is no greater feeling than a tight match, the constant pressure of not knowing who will actually win, or when a match that seemed lost gets completely flipped over and turned into a victory. I love a match that leaves me sweating.
Matches that people start flaming me for not switching off Ball after the first lost fight and we end up winning without me switching
When I manage to land all my punches and bait well enemy’s CDs with my slam on Doomfist.
Sometimes I land some 180⁰ on a recalling Tracer and boy oh boy my grin wides up.
Just people having fun in text chat or enemies waving hello
It’s not much, but at one point I was playing Cassidy when an enemy Cassidy got launched in the air. Something came over me and I did a flickshot to the head for the kill like I was shooting skeet. That gave me more than enough dopamine for a while.
Honestly the only thing I need that makes my day is when someone who wasn’t using voice chat gets into it just to tell me, as a support, that I’m doing a great job Got told yesterday to marry my other support while I was playing LW😭
Honestly I hate toxicity, but my competitive nature makes it so that beating toxic players. Or annoying ones (spamming voice lines and such) floods my brain with endorphins like I just shot heroin.
Any time i pop off on tracer
Multi d.va bomb kills the shit just feels so damn good
Rein vs Rein matchups where they spend all game Living with Honor and Dying with Glory
having a teammate compliment when i do well :)
Getting play of the game as a sombra main. Gives me heavy dopamine
I’m still relatively new considering I only seriously started playing after life weaver (by seriously I mean engaging in comp learning more characters etc.) but considering that fact, though it’s not as common anymore since I’ve found almost all the characters I’m comfortable with, I LOVED trying new heroes and doing well as them. Always made sure to let my teammates know before I did so too and that extra “You did well!” At the end of the match just topped it off. As for now I’d still say when I do well, regardless of when we lose, it’s exhilarating to just unexpectedly lock in and get insane kills.
Funny mercy antics. I love when they are different than the norm. Mercys get the onl my pass for tbags in my book besides rivalries.
Actually just had one abt 10 minutes ago lmao, went into open que and locked in widow, since she’s one of my least played characters and I wanna learn her a bit more, and there was a widow on the enemy team too. Instant rivalry, I think I won since they ended up switching idk, but it was still super fun for me tbh
A nice transcendence for my team in a state of extreme vulnerability. Hearing the healing sounds and plus effects emitting from them.
And of course a gorgeous Zen volley right between a Widow (makers) eyes