Nowadays when you search all roles you get either pos 5 or Mid, I haven’t seen any other role when searching for all of them. How is Mid not considered a “High Demand Role”?

I know that Valve set it up once for pos 4 and 5 and never touched it again but maybe it’s time for an update? Or even better, dynamically adjusting which roles are currently in high demand?

What do you think?

  • LatroDotaB
    10 months ago

    4 is free role, you can stay on lane, you can gank, you can farm, you can fight - it’s all up to you.

    Pos 4 have fun heroes and game is never on you if you lose and sometimes you can farm enough that you turn game around (like Nyx being able to solo almost any hero with dagon).

    Meanwhile as mid you have to sweat in 1v1 skill match up, often playing vs heroes that are really annoying to play against (Necro, OD, LD, Huskar) and more often then not you get flamed for not doing well/better then other midlaner. Also most of your typical fun mid heroes is shit (Ember, Void, Puck, Storm, SF, Exort voker is dead), you are also force to fight more and it wasn’t the case for last 2 years, mid heroes use to farm a lot, now you are required to fight.

    I’m mid player and believe that mid ain’t fun no more, my heroes are shit and midlane become such a sweat fest that I play Weekend League in EA FC to relax and that’s telling something.

    • RaisylvanB
      10 months ago

      Also to make all of this worse, competent teams for mid often end up with getting rotations mid, constantly turning your wins into 2v1s that you lose so even when you win, you don’t win.

      There’s also the RNG with runes. Even when you have a ward for rune and theoretically when you both have the same mobility, you can just get absolutely fucked on runes/bottle charges which can and does severely hamper your effectiveness.

      Playing mid just sucks.