Someone on my town Facebook page complaining about not having any options for internet (Comcast only in our town) and someone chimes in not to worry because wired internet is dead and everyone should just 4G through T-Mobile SMH

  • SupergrungedB
    10 months ago

    I make Fiber Optic cables that get dropped in the ocean… Hardwired networks are not going away, and if anything, they keep expanding.

    As far as DSL goes, yes, that is dated, using the existing lines, which many companies will advertize as their “high speed internet” in more remote areas. Wireless is faster then DSL, as is Satalite. But the only wireless that can compete with fiber optic cables, is quantum entanglement, and that technology is probably 20 years out, to perfecting for consumer use, at minimum. And cell towers are still connected to the data network by fiber optic cables.

    Incompetence exists in this world, and there are people that don’t question if they’re wrong. Just be careful, as incompetence can be contagious. Never under estimate the power of incompetant people in numbers, as that’s how the United States governement exists.