Someone on my town Facebook page complaining about not having any options for internet (Comcast only in our town) and someone chimes in not to worry because wired internet is dead and everyone should just 4G through T-Mobile SMH
I did have a 5G home internet once and it was a masisve upgrade over the 30mbps that the wired maxed out at (which was a overdue upgrade over the 15mbps)
I present to you my 2Gbps synmmetric fiber link. No data cap. Real public IP (no CGNAT). $120/month after my promotional period ($75/month during).
I humbly request the poster of this message explain how I might obtain equivalent performance over a cell network for the same cost with no data cap.
Some idiot doesn’t realize that wired networks are actually a lot faster than wireless.
After working in telecom for 5-6 years. Makes sense that t-mo is planning it and not “there” yet. Biggest problem they have with 5g is that with high frequency it doesn’t penetrate walls very well. They already have to take special steps to get cell service into tall buildings. Guess what! Most cell companies barely use a microwave backhaul anymore. Guess why! Because as the fiber network expanded it is much better for cell backhaul and communication.
As 5g (that’s still technically 3g if you really want to break it down…I’m pretty sure that’s the case still) gets expanded and the dead zones get filled in phones, cars, homes, and anything else you can think of will be connected constantly and as ipv6 gets implemented more and more (I still have a lot to learn about ipv6) the need for home routers will disappear because there should be enough IPs to go around.
But there will always be those that like the physical connections and they will most likely always be available because it’s the backbone of the wireless networks. Might only be available near towers or densely populated areas but will always be there.
I make Fiber Optic cables that get dropped in the ocean… Hardwired networks are not going away, and if anything, they keep expanding.
As far as DSL goes, yes, that is dated, using the existing lines, which many companies will advertize as their “high speed internet” in more remote areas. Wireless is faster then DSL, as is Satalite. But the only wireless that can compete with fiber optic cables, is quantum entanglement, and that technology is probably 20 years out, to perfecting for consumer use, at minimum. And cell towers are still connected to the data network by fiber optic cables.
Incompetence exists in this world, and there are people that don’t question if they’re wrong. Just be careful, as incompetence can be contagious. Never under estimate the power of incompetant people in numbers, as that’s how the United States governement exists.
Probably getting paid off by the telecom company that is there
Why did you blank out the town’s name?
They milked the old copper for decades but they are going to abandon the brand new fiber? They are still installing coaxial and twisted pair. In 100 years we will still be patching into old Comcast coxial build outs.
I mean there’s a new fiber company that just started rolling out in my town.
Why is the city some kind of secret?
Why would you care about it? It’s the same reason I blocked out the name of the poster, for a bit of privacy. It’s all small town and it’s none of your business where it is
Wait until they find out that all their 5G signals are powered by a fiber/coaxial backend, depending on where they live 😂
And satellite is worse than cable or fiber, it only exists for remote places that don’t have that option.
Well they’re wrong
I just had 5g with T mobile and it was trash. Decent up time but the disparity between theoretical and actual speed was worse than ever (idk if that’s just me, haven’t looked into averages) but I ended up just using the no co tract 3 months with them to negotiate a better deal with Comcast. Ended up paying 5 bucks more than I was for 3x the connection speed and at least so far I’m getting satisfying results.
Fiber optic is still king right?
I like my Frontier with 5GB down and 5GB up.
Satellite huh? That raincloud says otherwise.