So Lindsay is by many fans said to be overrated and one dimensional, I cant believe it man. A running back first job is to run and break tackles and get yards. thats how he made the pro bowl with us before we did him dirty, Now i see revisionist history saying he was one dimensional and we let him go at the right time, imo we could have kept him a couple more years.
I hate the fact that hes criticized for not being a recieving threat or blocking, who tf cares for a running back lol, look how good Gordon was at receiving and blocking, yet he sucked at getting good yardage and fumbling, in the end thats the most important aspect of the game. But everyone agrees gordon sucks and refuses to give Lindsay his flowers.
Lindsay should have been on the team instead of him man hes a hero for us.
We should just shadow ban this account at this point. It’s averaging a 1.5 shit posts a day. Smh.