Nowadays when you search all roles you get either pos 5 or Mid, I haven’t seen any other role when searching for all of them. How is Mid not considered a “High Demand Role”?

I know that Valve set it up once for pos 4 and 5 and never touched it again but maybe it’s time for an update? Or even better, dynamically adjusting which roles are currently in high demand?

What do you think?

  • monimontiB
    10 months ago


    Pos5 and Mid have the biggest responsibility in the game (particularly within the first 20 minutes) and i think most people know this.

    Pos5 because you do not have gold, are on ward duty which dictates the area your team can play in, and have to be slippery (in a sense that you don’t feed). You are also expected to baby sit Pos1 players who by the way are known to be the most toxic role between pinging you when you hit a creep they won’t be able to last hit because it is out of their range or blames you when you are pulling and they got caught out of position.

    Mid because you have the responsibility to WIN your lane, get all runes (technically 4 should be helping secure these sometimes), help out struggling lanes, and make space for 1 and 3.


    * When Pos1 dies, the blame is Pos5 (where’s my 5)

    * When visions are dewarded, blame is on Pos5 (where are the vision ~ even though shop is empty)

    * When enemy has invi and a kill was missed due to lack of dust, Pos5’s fault for not having sentry

    * When Mid is lost, the blame is on Mid (mid ez)

    * When a side lane is lost, the blame is on Mid (mid no rotate)


    Between these two, in order, Pos4, then 3, then 1 are allowed more mistakes and can play the game freely without carrying as much weight as mid and 5.

    In fact, lately, I have seen Pos4 and Pos3s play like Pos1s with afk midas farm strat, whereas Mids eventually get relegated as the soft support. Esp. in this Meta where Willow and Muerta are commonly picked as pos4s.