Every account starts off with honor 2, its ranked ready. If you behave badly, you automatically lose honor anyways and you should not be allowed to play ranked until its back up to honor 2.

Having punishments of having to play normal games or win normal games does nothing, because people are still toxic in normal games.

Instead of doing all these incredibly bad ping changes, just try it out for 1 split next season and see how the data or the people respond.

I see 0 negative reasons for why ranked should not be honorlocked. You dont lose honor from 1 game of being toxic, unless you are EXTREMELY toxic in that one game.

You dont lose honor from being spam reported, unless you type something in chat to trigger the system.

I am tired of only having 3 missing pings, just because Slippin Jimmy could not keep his mouth shut. At this point you are trying to lose your core playerbase, to protect 5% of people from another 5% of stupid people.

  • itaicoolB
    10 months ago

    It’s a good idea, you don’t even have to be positive to get honor level 5 you just need to not type dumb shit in chat.

    Another good idea is that caedral suggested is making it so you get access to more pings as you get more honor level, so people at honor level 5 would have very ease restrictions compared to lower ones. you could also make it for 4 or 3, point is making it so lower honor level can spam ping less.