These stats are from 2012-2022 Worlds Main Stage.

The most played champions:

  1. Lee sin (248 games)
  2. Ryze (171 games)
  3. gragas (170 games)
  4. thresh (158 games)
  5. Elise (149 games)

Only 3 champions have never been played on the Worlds Main Stage:

  1. Warwick
  2. Master Yi
  3. Illaoi

Only one champion has 100% win rate at worlds main stage:

  1. Rammus

The most successful champions, determined by pick rate and win rate:

  1. Janna (62% WR | 92 Games)
  2. Jhin (61% WR | 106 Games)
  3. Rakan (57% WR | 118 Games)
  4. Lee sin (55% WR | 248 Games)

The worst performing champions at worlds

  1. Shyvana (0% WR | 7 games)
  2. Malphite (32% WR | 25 games)
  3. Cassiopeia (36% WR | 45 games)
  4. Tristana (38% WR | 129 games)
  5. Lulu (44% WR | 142 games)
  • ZloiArisB
    10 months ago

    Quite funny that one of the most iconic champion from SoloQ (master) was never played at Worlds even in old wild days