If I talk about Faker I’m afraid that what I want to convey could be misinterpreted…
Well, that escalated quickly
Now, everyone will chase kkoma till death to learn more what he wants to say
If I talk about Faker I’m afraid that what I want to convey could be misinterpreted…
Well, that escalated quickly
Now, everyone will chase kkoma till death to learn more what he wants to say
Alternative Universe, 1941.
Japan: Attacks US
Faker: They won’t die
We just extremely unlucky with draw.
Knockouts draw is designed in the way that one part of the map will always have 2 3:2 teams. First they split Gen.G and JDG. Then they match them each to one 3:2 team. Then the remaining 3:2 team they add to pool of 3 3:1 teams and draw them. It means that at least one pair 3:1 vs 3:2 is guaranteed and always one part of the map will have 2 3:2 teams.
Overall it shouldn’t be a big problem, but this year it all were fucked once NRG got WBG. So we not only have 2 3:2 teams at one side, we also have a fking NRG at the same side. The chance that this draw will happen was like 1/9. Only 11% that NRG will be matched with WBG and here we are.
Simple addition of rule “no rematches in 1/4” would already change everything. If we imagine, that for example LNG vs NRG are drawn into Gen.G/BLG side of the bracket and T1 with WBG assigned to JDG/KT, then draw will be waaaaaaaaaaaay better and equalised.
More to this, overall there were 72 possible draws, 36 unique one multipled by 2 as they can be mirrored (if you just simply mirror existing draw, it will count as a unique one due to different selection order but the same result). In 8 of them (4 unique) we have NRG vs WBG. In half of them, it is not a Gen.G but JDG are on the same side with WBG. For example, JDG-BLG, WBG-NRG. People will hate such draw but it was one of those 4 unique options (and 2 from 8 if we add mirroring) and free path for JDG to Finals. Second from those 4 was JDG-KT, WBG-NRG. Free JDG path to Finals. Third one was Gen.G/KT and WBG/NRG. It will guarantee LCK in Semis (highly likely Gen.G) and I think WBG would 95% lost in Semis to either KT or Gen.G.
At the end, only in **1 from 36** unique configurations of draw, we have not only WBG and NRG, but also Gen.G and BLG – such a unique configuration which can deny LCK from meeting WBG till Finals and putting LNG/KT/JDG/T1 in another side of the bracket.
We just got truly truly unlucky
Yeap, even before quarters with LNG it was even. A lot of people predict LNG to win, odds in books were completely even. People were hyping LNG and T1 looked very questionable before series. I remember my thought process and thinking that “I clearly have no idea who will win”. And then …
That’s very insane move, interesting where Doran will go as he seems to be the only one who can mind-control Zeus
This is so salty. When I was reading this I saw how huge building higher than Eiffel Tower arise near my house. Only then I realise it was Daeny ego
idk, it feels like a start of the end for LCS. Most probably, reduction to 2 direct seeds for Worlds is coming, and 3rd seed to be allocated to play-in maybe (it will be wild to offer 4 seeds as this year, when entire region is 8 teams). Academies are fucked, server is dying, ping challenges are not solved till now. Let all memes about NRG beating G2 don’t hide the fact that LCS won 0 games against LCK/LPL in last **3 years**, and won only 1 game by GG against BLG in this year (just to follow it with 0:9 from GG and C9).
This is because SSW were very “flashy” in their plays and people remember such plays, same as a lot of ppl retrospectively claim that IG-2018 were super giga dominant, while they dropped 2 games to Fnatic in groups and almost were reverse-sweeped by KT. Only a few remember that TheShy even was subbed for Duke, who played 5 games that tournament. But because IG were “flashy”, 5 years later their Worlds run by many considered as crazy dominant and TheShy as the GOAT toplaner.
For me personally SKT-2015 was the most dominant because they just feel unbeatable. They weren’t flashy, but … they just win. No matter what you do. I still recall this magical feeling when you watch their games, opponent got multiple kills, won a few fights and then SKT still 3k gold ahead. Their macro and ability to squeeze the maximum was smth different IMO.
While I love this bm between LPL and LCK, the problem is that a) in recent times LPL and LCK are equal; b) on average average LPL team is stronger than average LCK team and LPL to LCK head-to-head score is in Chinese favor, even with T1 in solo doing its best to fix it.
To be honest, even Daenny will be memed for this words, this is a real problem long time known for anyone around scene. The week gap between Semis and Finals make very little sense, teams usually have almost no one to scrim, especially with a franchise era and cancellation of promotion series. SoloQ is already like 4 patches ahead. Players just losing their skills basically burning out in that last week, unless you are like T1 who played at home and have scrim partners
Wut. Someone sold to Sheep 1 April joke?
Incorrect? In which part? In not calling “Phreak basement” as non-Worlds? Well, guess what, it was “officially” not even named as “Worlds” back in the day.
It was just random Season One event hosted in June (!) at the side of other event, when most of servers were not even created. There were no splits, no regions, nothing. If you open “Qualifier” for this “Worlds” you will notice that it was called “Dreamhack Qualifier”, basically Riot decides to make it “end of season 1” tournament already after qualification, but at the original time it was just a tournament at Dreamhack festival.
Not to say that tournament was hosted in early June and officially season-1 was ended at the end of September, quite funny to that 4 months later, don’t you find?
Absolutely no one who works with LoL data count it as a full Worlds for their stats and analysis. At that time this tournament has way less status and prestige than winning of let’s say IEM.
The only single reason why it is considered as Worlds, is just because Riot wants it to be
And for SSG it didn’t work well at the end either
Why Atlus looked so tired?
I would ban Oner J4 + Rell, and threat Rumble/Azir FP followed by Poppy.
Yes, exactly like this, how do you know?
I love when Redditors make bold statements and always attach proofs to them, yes?
Thank you for a great work! Lovely to read more analytics and deep thoughts on this sub.
I personally feel that WBG need to ban both Rell and J4 on blue and FP Azir. Surprised that author didn’t talk about Azir as it is clear comfort zone for both of Faker and xiaohu. Also threat of Azir on FP most probably will force ban of Poppy on red, leaving some extra picks open like Rumble, Neeko, Rakan, Kalista, etc
Wow, thanks for such detailed explanation. I wonder how much spaghetti code exists inside with such complicated crazy logic layered across years.
Also, does it mean that Jayce when stands behind Baron will always get dmg equal to his empowered range attack? That’s crazy bug isn’t it?
This is why T1 is T1 and Damwon is not. DK should give him part of shares and make co-owner, and build team around him