Which one of you broke the final straw? Who droned out a dev and then naded them from below while they sat still for that final time before they gave up and decided to nerf nades?

Seriously though, this change is frustratingly stupid. For a dev team that has been clear about wanting to get rid of the gun meta, taking away another utility from attackers that actually required skill is ridiculous. Nading from below, while not insanely hard, is one of the more mechanically difficult ways to attack that also requires good map knowledge and coordination with teammates live droning to be consistently effective. Even in this major, with pro players who are some of the best players in the world, there were plenty of missed nades and even accidental self-kills. I don’t know about you guys, but now I’m planning on running and gunning every time. Screw quick peeking well-timed nades onto tight angles to clear out solar stairs and perch on Chalet, now we’re just going to pour in with flashes up onto perch and gunfighting our way up the stairs.

Also, why would I ever play Sledge now? He was already in a balanced state when they removed his smg-11, and is now getting further nerfed with nade changes while getting powercreeped by Ram. If I want to open more verticals than Ram can, I now have no reason not to pick Buck over Sledge. If I want to clear utility, I’ll just bring a Gonne-6, Brava, Twitch, Ash, or Zofia.

Really liked other upcoming changes they talked about during the reveal panel, but I’m just consistently disappointed by the balance team. It just really feels like they don’t understand the game that they’re supposed to balance, and is making it harder to stay enthusiastic about playing Siege.

  • WakaTPB
    10 months ago

    Actually I feel like the reception for this change has been quite positive.

    It’s objectively a good change in almost every aspect, people won’t play an operator only because it has nades anymore. Will help players anchor too which is good to avoid TDM meta.

    I agree we will lose some form of skill expression and some very cool plays you could do. But I think it’s worth it personally…