Call this a doom post if you want but this is something I’ve been genuinely wondering for a while. For every team, the ultimate goal is to win a championship, and lately I’ve been wondering if we will be able to do that with this team. Don’t get me wrong, I think the team we have now is good, and Quin is really good as well, but even if we play to our fullest potential would we be able to beat another team in a seven game series to win a championship? We’ve got a guard in Trae Young who besides being an offensive maestro will never be passable on defense. We’ve got another fringe all star in DJ that besides having his moments I don’t think is the type of guy to win you a series. Looking at other legit teams, they’ve got 2 way stars that really give them a chance every game, which is something we don’t have the luxury of having. Some have said that our depth is the key to us winning a chip, but I have a hard time believing it. Is this team able to win a chip as currently constructed? Or do we have to make some changes if we want to win the first title in Atlanta during the Trae Young era?

  • Ice2jcB
    10 months ago

    Of course this team isn’t in a position to win a championship. Our front office was in disharmony for 2 years and wasn’t making sound, united roster decisions under the same philosophy.

    Our best player is a point guard who can be hunted on defense and we don’t have an all NBA defensive wing to cover for him. We will never be close to getting to a championship until we have an elite two way wing or center. That’s step 1.