I asked the same thing about T1 vs JDG last week. This time, i know nothing about WBG. So please tell me who you think will win, how and under which condition. T1 looked very promising against JDG. My only fear is, that they won’t respect WBG and lose for underestimating them. I think, and i say that for knowing nothing about WBG, T1 wins 3-2.

  • MeMeChecker123B
    10 months ago

    If we really look at just pure performance, T1 is absolutely favored to win, T1’s laning phase is really good at mid and top side, I was a little surprised that guma and keria was not as dominant specially in game 2 where T1 have a kill lead with caith ashe against kalista renata. TheShy is a really coinflip so I don’t really worried but if guma and keria didn’t really step up their laning phase, Weibo can really take a game or 2.