Revealed on twitch stream. Goes live tomorrow

  • Anxious_BannanaB
    10 months ago

    He’s better, but Ana, Zarya, Orisa, and anyone with range will still completely counter the character. He’ll go from D tier to C for most ranks.

    While Hog may be better against badly timed anti’s if an Ana throws it while he’s half health or lower he’ll die regardless.

    Any ability that countered hook before still counter it just as well.

    Pig Pen is a cool idea but with nearly every character possessing mobility they already want to use immediately after being hooked it won’t catch most the cast.

    Lastly, his largest problem of being unable to block projectiles or incoming damage means he’ll still be a giant punching bag who explodes against high damage comps. Infact, he’ll die even faster with the decreased damage resistance. In addition, his team still has to deal with having an oversized dps as a tank. Atleast JK provides overhealth and speed with shout.

    While the changes are cool, Hog will still be awful