Seen a few posts on this subreddit of people claiming that they were “wrongly” suspended, only to admit they used language like “ggez”, “diff”, or even “you’re just bad”.

It’s really not that hard to just be friendly, period. If you stomp the other team just say “gg”. If you’re so compelled to let people know you had an easy time then you can say that in team chat. There’s little no reason to try and put someone down, especially in a video game.

If you wouldn’t do it in real life then you shouldn’t do it in game.

Happy reporting! :D

  • longgammaB
    10 months ago

    No I don’t like it. I made an alt account and was grinding those 50 games to unlock comp. All I ever played was zarya for fast queue times. Account got banned after three days. No reason was given in the email id. Text and VC off and people just hate getting dumpstered on I guess. I put in a support ticket and got a generic reply back.