Revealed on twitch stream. Goes live tomorrow

  • AnodyneGreyB
    1 年前

    I was terrified about what they’d do to his hook, pleasantly surprised all in all.

    Still not sure what to think of the new gun, the old left click was one of the least satisfying weapons in the whole game and the right click was the polar opposite. I guess the new one might be somewhere in the middle.

    Quite like the take a breather rework, although I feel like increasing the total cooldown by 50% is a bit harsh. The resource meter and overhealing + 100 total hp doesn’t feel like a good enough trade off for losing the damage reduction, 50% extra CD and more than halving the healing per second. it looks like a downgrade in terms of power from the current one, but I really like the concept nonetheless.

    The new ability seems like it would make a sick combo with the hook for an instakill on squishies though, so it might make up for the worse tankying and range.

    I’m pretty happy to see that they’re having him lean into being a big dps, was afraid they’d turn him into a pure bullet sponge with the rework