Seen a few posts on this subreddit of people claiming that they were “wrongly” suspended, only to admit they used language like “ggez”, “diff”, or even “you’re just bad”.

It’s really not that hard to just be friendly, period. If you stomp the other team just say “gg”. If you’re so compelled to let people know you had an easy time then you can say that in team chat. There’s little no reason to try and put someone down, especially in a video game.

If you wouldn’t do it in real life then you shouldn’t do it in game.

Happy reporting! :D

  • Sleigh6B
    10 months ago

    I do like it. I was banned earlier this season for voice chat, it was warranted.

    No I’m reporting everyone with a sour attitude in text or voice and every time I log on I’m getting a notification of an action being taken. Happy to see the system is finally working as intended. And I’ve also learned my lesson of the micro “aggression” comments of “ez” and “diff”. Just “gg” and go next.