I asked the same thing about T1 vs JDG last week. This time, i know nothing about WBG. So please tell me who you think will win, how and under which condition. T1 looked very promising against JDG. My only fear is, that they won’t respect WBG and lose for underestimating them. I think, and i say that for knowing nothing about WBG, T1 wins 3-2.

  • No-Scene-8614B
    10 months ago

    I think a lot of people will either say 3-0 T1 or T1 choke in finals for WBG win. In a way, i see this T1 team in a similar position to Lebron James after losing to Dallas while on Miami (2011). Lebron, like T1 was heavily favoured against Dallas but they came up short and ‘choked’ (a reputation that Lebron has yet to shake to this day). However, the very next year Miami and lebron came back to win the chip with Lebron having a stellar series. Goats very rarely get knocked down twice, so given that this T1 team and Faker, are playing the best league we have ever seem from them, I predict a 3-1 T1 with most games being stomps.